Bayyari is celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month! Thank you to our Family Literacy Parents for this beautiful display!

Springdale School District is looking to hire up to 25 School Bus Drivers.

A special thank you to School Board member Eddie Ramos for stopping by tonight to serve as an interpreter during parent teacher conferences. He is a great community partner and does so much for Springdale schools. Thank you, Mr. Ramos!

Bayyari is holding our first GREAT JACKET GIVEAWAY!
We have a ton of gently used jackets in all sizes, free for the taking.
Look for a table to be set up at the front of the school during parent teacher conferences this week.
One jacket per child, please.

If you didn’t already know how amazing our teachers are at Bayyari, look at them now!
We have a classroom full of teachers here on a Saturday to learn from Dr. Howard! They voluntarily came to learn more to reach all students. #allmeansall #thechoice #phonicsfilledSaturday

If your child is interested they can ask their teacher for a form!

International Dot Day is a celebration of creativity, courage and collaboration. The Dot is the story of a teacher who dares a doubting student to trust in her own abilities by being brave enough to “make her mark”. Wear your dots next week! http://www.thedotclub.org/dotday/

Please join us next Monday, September 9th at 6pm.

Check out this link to our Book Fair https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bookfairs/cptoolkit/homepage.do?method=homepage&url=bayyari

Remember no school on Monday or Tuesday this week!
We will see all of our bears on Wednesday, September 4th! Enjoy your break.

Thanks to everyone for helping make the 2nd annual Back to School Rally an amazing success. We had over 8,000 attendees! Click here to see a story produced by Channel 5 News: http://via.kfsm.com/CORKt


Our Watch Dad Dog program is now called Bear Patrol! 🐻

Our doors open every morning at 7:20 for students and 7:30 for parents.